How to come to Tasmania to do farm work during COVID
Welcome to our simple English blog about the Huon Valley. We write this blog for backpackers on a working holiday and for other travellers like you.
Can I come to Tasmania during COVID?
If you are coming to work on a farm, the answer this October 2020 is yes! You can come to Tasmania!
The government knows that Tasmanian farmers need working-holiday makers like you. Even though our borders are closed right now, our government is letting essential workers come to Tasmania for farm jobs.
This may change. But for now — Oct 2020 — you can come. In fact, we need you!
How can I come?
You need to arrange a farm job with a Tasmanian farmer. The farmer will apply for you to enter Tasmania as a farm worker.
You also cannot come from a high risk area. You cannot even have been to a high risk area in the last 14 days. And you cannot come from outside Australia in the last 14 days.
Those are the most important rules. You can read all the rules here.
How do I find a farmer?
We run Pilgrim Hill, a small hostel in the Huon Valley near Huonville. There are some great farms around us that will need workers. In the next few weeks, we will share about some farms to work at near Huonville.
But you don’t have to wait for us to share about farmers. There are many farms all over Tasmania that need workers. It’s easy to find them with a Google search. You should contact a farm where you want to work and see if they can employ you.
Unfortunately, we cannot arrange work for you. But we would love to host you at Pilgrim Hill if you come to the Huon Valley. We run a free shuttle to local farms. Find out more and book here.
Do I have to quarantine?
Great question! If you have an arranged farm job and you come from a low risk area, then you don’t have to do a strict quarantine. You can go to your job and start working right away.
But there are strict rules you must keep for the first 14 days. And you must keep these rules! You can find all the government’s rules here.
We hope you find a great job and can come visit our beautiful island state.
Till next week, safe travels!